Line Bac’R™ - Morning Fresh™ - 5 GL pail

Bacterial Drain Maintainer
Item #122952

Line Bac’R™ - Morning Fresh™ - 5 GL pail

Bacterial Drain Maintainer
Item #122952

Need Assistance? Call us 1-800-321-8180

  • Effective bacteria-based grease trap, drain maintainer and deodorizer
  • Contains seven strains of bacteria
  • Digests fats, oils and greases

Product Description

  • Line Bac’R™ is a powerful combination of bacteria and produces enzymes that quickly help to breakdown fats, oils and greases. This provides the food source for the bacteria to multiply and aggressively digest what remains of the FOG. Line Bac’R digests proteins, carbohydrates and cellulase as well. State’s patented odor-eliminating technology, SE-500® is included ensuring nasty smells are neutralized. Line Bac’R contains a combination of seven specific bacillus bacteria designed to reduce fats, oils and greases (FOG). Spore-based (bacillus) bacteria can withstand fluctuations in pH and temperatures, and will revive themselves when conditions improve.

  • Lift StationS
  • Injection Pits
  • Digesters

Directions for Use

Specially designed for use in the State 24/7™ Automated Drain Maintenance System. Automated injection of Line Bac’R™ will produce superior results. Using the DR-2000™ pump, inject product directly into floor drain, garbage disposal or grease trap. Initial System Set-Up: Set pump for 2 events daily. Adjust to pump 1 minute per event. Each kitchen application is unique, so usage rates and times of dosage will vary; please consult your account manager for State 24/7™ system service and analysis.

Product Downloads & SDS

Need Assistance? Call us 1-800-321-8180

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